What is The Health Insurance Marketplace?

The Health Insurance Marketplace is a resource where individuals, families, and small businesses can compare health insurance plans for coverage and affordability.  Find out if you are eligible for tax credits or health programs like Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

When can you apply?

Open Enrollment:

  • Open Enrollment begins on November 1st

  • The last day to enroll for coverage starting January 1 is December 15  

  • The last day to enroll for coverage starting February 1 is January 15 

Special Enrollment Period

  • This is for those that have lost or will lose coverage will have 60 days before or 60 days following the event to enroll in a plan.

Who Is Eligible?

  • U.S. Citizens

  • Legal Immigrants lawfully present in the U.S.

  • Must live in the United States

  • Cannot be incarcerated.

What is covered?

10 Essential Health Benefits

  1. Outpatient services

  2. Emergency services

  3. Hospitalization

  4. Maternity & Newborn Care

  5. Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services & Treatment for Behavioral Health

  6. Prescription drugs

  7. Rehabilitative Services & Devices

  8. Lab tests

  9. Preventive and wellness services & Chronic Disease Management

  10. Pediatric Services (including dental & eye care for children)

What will you need to apply?

You need to provide the following information for all the people reported in your income tax return:

  • Names, birth dates, and Social Security cards for all household members.

  • Your family’s income information (pay stubs, net income from self-employment, unemployment, Social Security benefits, retirement, pensions and any other taxable income)

  • Proof of Legal Status (Permanent Resident card, Work or Student Visa, Citizenship Certificate, etc.)

  • Employer name, address and phone number

  • If job-based coverage is available, must provide cost of premiums & types of health benefits covered

  • Email address that can be accessed via cell phone or computer

How can you apply?

  1. Scheduling an appointment with our Outreach Representative

  2. By Phone: Call Vida y Salud Health Systems, Inc. 308 Cesar Chavez Ave. Crystal City Tx 78839 (830)-374-2302

  3. By visiting our center Vida y Salud Health Systems, Inc. 308 Cesar Chavez Ave. Crystal City Tx 78839